Insight_2nd Edition

Second Edition | Marquis Who ’ s Who Insight 9 What is the most important issue/challenge you are dealing with in your industry right now? Climate change is the most important challenge in my area of environmental activism. The environ- mental policies of the current administration are contributing to climate woes. Deregulation of envi- ronmental protections also poses a serious risk to public health. Temperatures are rising by land and in our oceans, storms are becoming more intense — fires and floods are intensifying. The denial of climate science fuels the problem. My hometown of Miami is at serious risk of sea level rise and fiercer hurricanes. All we can do is keep fighting the good fight. We need to rock the vote and support candi- dates on the national, state and local levels who will fight for sound environmental policies. Greta Thunberg and her fellow young climate activ- ists give me tremendous hope for the future. I find so much inspiration in nature living in South Florida. I am a nature poet. Nature themes are a part of my poetry in free verse and haiku. The natural world and environment offer many op- portunities for healing. There are so many reasons to fight for our one planet Earth. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved over time? Many more people are getting their news on social media. We need to support established newspapers and a free press. I subscribe to the print version of the Miami Herald, and have digital subscriptions to the New York Times and South Florida Sun Sentinel. I also subscribe to The Washington Post newsletter. As print newspapers are moving toward a digital format, we need to find ways to adapt to this trend. It becomes important to support the journalism be- hind the real news stories. The advantage of the on- line format is that news and stories can be brought to readers instantaneously across the globe. The challenge is for print newspapers to keep up with breaking news. There is great value in our colum- nists who reflect on the news of the day. I hope we can keep print newspapers just a while longer. It would be sad to lose a paper to read and write for in the morning. The digital age has changed the way nonprofits and campaigns are managed, too. To contribute to a mayoral, presidential, or con- gressional candidate, I can give online quickly and with ease. Online giving has made an impact for the Democratic Party, allowing larger numbers of small donors to contribute to the cause. Give Miami Day is an annual fundraiser for nonprofits held in mid-November. My very own South Florida Writers Association did very well last year. The Miami Foundation brought in a record $14.4 million on Give Miami Day. This was all accomplished with hundreds of donors giving to more than 800 nonprofits and causes they care about online. What new innovations or technologies do you feel will shape the future of your industry? E-books offer many opportunities for writers to publish their books. Authors can produce books in poetryandprose in thee-book format. Online book sales have changed the direction of the book business. With on- line stores, we can purchase a book at a good price in a flash. Online venues can’t replace the role of bookstores in the literary community. We need to support independent book- stores like Books & Books more than ever through these changing times. What excites you the most about your industry? There are boundless opportunities to serve my community, country and world. I help hospice patients and families as a patient care volunteer with Vitas Healthcare. The book I am co-author- ing, “Bereavement Poetry Project,” will allow us to give comfort to those experiencing loss on a broader level. Being a past president and com- munity relations director for the South Florida Writers Association allows me to be a leader in the writing community and to inspire fellow writ- ers. As past chair and director of writing com- petitions for the Junior Orange Bowl Creative Writing Contest and judging coordinator for the Miami Veterans Creative Writing Contest, I know how contest themes can inspire middle school students and military veterans to find their voice and write. Through memberships and supporting causes, I can be a part of the help and hope that is there in the world. With charitable donations, I can help provide resources to make a difference in the lives of others in my community and in different parts of our country and world. “ Passion is a part of my work as an activist on social justice, environmental, animal welfare, wildlife, and human rights issues. ”