Insight 2nd Ed_Takashi Inoguchi

Second Edition | Marquis Who ’ s Who Insight 5 Senator Lauren Book Senator, The Florida Senate, District 32 Founder, Lauren’s Kids Aventura, FL | How have you navigated disruptions in your industry to remain a top professional? With the COVID-19 pandemic, school closures, social distancing, and increase in risk of child abuse and online exploitation, Lauren’s Kids has had to pivot quickly to provide digital resources and live video offerings for schools and families. What is the most important issue/challenge you are dealing with in your industry right now? Right now, we are dealing with the challenges of stay-at-home orders for COVID-19. On the Senate side of my life, this means unemployment woes and community health concerns; from a Lauren’s Kids perspective, we know that the risk for child abuse increases during extremely stressful times, and that with children on digital devices more than usual, an opportunity for online predation is spiking. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved over time? I am heartened by the shifts we are seeing in efforts to prevent abuse and to raise awareness and educate children, families, teachers, and youths about what we can do to protect children. When we shatter stigmas that surround this issue, we break down walls that benefit predators. The truth is that 95% of child sexual abuse is preventable through education and awareness. Dr. David Donaldson Consultant, Chemical Pathologist (Retired) Redhill, United Kingdom What are two key behaviors/personality traits that allow you to be effective in your role? I was addicted tomywork, and I didn’t like to let clinical cases remain unsolvedwith- out making proper diagnoses. I immersedmyself in the job and really enjoyedwork- ing. When I had to go to London, which was quite regularly— I would review clinical cases and make diagnoses on the train. What excites you the most about your industry? The possibilities are endless and can spread in any direction. In every diagnosis there are elements — physical, chemical, biological, psychological, and sociological. What I like is that every branch of science is involved in diagnostics. Broadly speaking, there are many levels, which react and interact with each other and at every level within themselves. Even though I was a chemical pathologist, I was more than that. I received my membership for the Royal College of Physicians in 1963, which involved an exam that was highly competitive.