Insight 2nd Ed_Brian Ragen

Joann T. Grissom Physical Education Educator 1963 Gold Medalist Indianapolis, IN How have you navigated disruptions in your industry to remain a top pro- fessional? It wasn’t easy, but I did it as a walk- on at Tennessee State. I walked on the track team. I wasn’t recruited. What are two key behaviors/person- ality traits that allow you to be effec- tive in your role? Selflessness is the most important one. Coming from a big family, I knew we didn’t have much, but I would always share whatever I had. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved over time? It has evolved because professionals are paying more attention to quality, training and standards. It was much harder to get things done in the past. The people who run the show now are listening more than they used to and are trying to help more students. WilliamA. Lester Jr., PhD Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry University of California Berkeley Oakland, CA www.worldwidehumanitarian. com/2019/09/12/william-lester What is the most important issue/ challenge you are dealing with in your industry right now? I think the biggest challenge is the full understanding of the human body and brain at the molecular level. What new innovations or technologies do you feel will shape the future of your industry? Artificial intelligence will affect the application of quantum mechan- ical methods to biological systems. In my department, these major advances are taking place. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved over time? In a tremendous way, progress is being made to advance human kind. It’s amazing in terms of organic chemistry and its impact on mankind. Technology advances because of increased understanding in science. 12 Marquis Who ’ s Who Insight | Second Edition Dr. Rakesh Govind President PRD Tech, Inc. Montgomery, OH How have you navigated disrup- tions in your industry to remain a top professional? We have been persistent and pushed technologies to industry before companies even realize they need it. We also communicate the advantages and disadvantages of what companies have been doing so far. By effectively communicating those things, and being persistent in our efforts to train and educate them, we have been able to market our systems. What new innovations or technol- ogies do you feel will shape the future of your industry? Only 2.5% of water is fresh and of that, only 1.5% comes from the ground. Every major city is flushing away millions of gallons of water everyday.We areworking tocorrect that because we want to promote industries to clean groundwater and reuse it. Right now, we are marketing small treatment plants in Kentucky, South Dakota, Ohio and Indiana. We intend to expand nationwide next year.