Insight_3rd Edition

Dr. Steven M. Grimes Physics Educator, Researcher Ohio University Athens, OH How have you navigated disruptions in your industry to remain a top professional? Even after you finish your formal education, I think you need to remain a student. It’s im- possible to learn everything in school; new things are being discovered all the time. Over the course of my career, I had to keep reading research literature and going to seminars. What are two key behaviors/personality traits that allow you to be effective in your role? You have to be willing to look at new information in a non-biased way. If you’re too fixed on what you already think you know, that might not work out well. Sometimes there’s a suggestion in something else, which doesn’t provide the whole answer, but informs you of what people are thinking predominantly. What is the most important issue/challenge you are dealing with in your industry right now? We have to become specialized in order to make a contribution, but when you get specialized it’s hard to keep up with a broader range of activity and investigations than the ones you’re focused on directly. This compromises your ability to move a little bit off the road. What new innovations or technologies do you feel with shape the future of your industry? What has happened in the last 20-30 years has been profound. Changes sometimes come in spurts, but these things require input from human beings. What excites you the most about your industry? I have been fascinated with astrophysics. Also, when my father became ill with cancer, I became interested in the application of nuclear physics to cancer therapy. Dr. Joseph W. Kovach President, Professor JosephW. Kovach and Associates, Ltd., CCSJ Munster, IN How have you navigated disruptions in your industry to remain a top professional? By being extremely flexible and always looking forward. I keep moving and I don’t dwell on the past. It’s important to have a certain amount of curiosity to learn and explore. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved over time? The elements surrounding e-learning and the variations of e-learning. There were hybrid classes that are now completely online. There’s enough research out there that suggests e-learning is a good tool, but there needs to be a classroom element, too. Nowadays, please are socially isolated and they seek to be in a classroom environment. They want one-on-one contact. What new innovations or technologies do you feel will shape the future of your industry? I think more and more about the interplay between the brain and behavior. I’m not talking about neurological things necessarily; I’m talking about how we learn, memorize things and process information. Also, environmental trends and travel play into the issue of psychology. Finally, climate change and how it’s affecting human behavior. These are all topics worth exploring. What excites you the most about your industry? Issues regarding creativity, imagination, and how we use those things to move forward. In psychology, we so often focus on negative things, and we never look at the psychology of hope, resiliency, and how fortunate we really are in our surroundings. I think we need to do that. There is a whole aspect of positive psychology, including consumer and organizational psychology. 6 Third Edition | Marquis Who ’ s Who Insight