Insight_3rd Edition_2

In sustainable development, it is really important not to just look at economic development because often the benefits are not shared equally and this can negatively influence society. How have you navigated disruptions in your industry to remain a top professional? You always have to think about the ultimate goal and what you want to accomplish. You should learn from disruptions and apply this knowledge to accomplishing your goals. What is the most important issue/challenge you are dealing with in your industry right now? The biggest challenge is COVID-19 as it continues to lead to disruptions when it comes to channeling funds for more immediate needs, such as health and humanitarian issues. This affects me because I deal in sustainable development, which involves people’s lives and providing opportunities for them to be economically and socially empowered. Another challenge is not being able to have personal contact right now. I work in the United Nations, which is an international organization, and we work with all parts of the world. We are either traveling or people are coming to the UN. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved over time? In sustainable development, it is really important not to just look at economic development because often the benefits are not shared equally and this can negatively influence society. Also, it’s important to recognize that some economic activities play a role in destroying the environment, which is essential for people’s lives. When this kind of awareness started to develop back in the ‘60s, it was a marginalized thing. Those who were dealing with the issues were confined to small groups of scientists or experts. It wasn’t considered mainstream, but in the ‘80s, ‘90s, and now in the 21st century, awareness of climate change has increased. We recognize how it is threatening our lives and there is a more mainstream understanding of these issues, so there is wider support in the industry. There are a lot of companies that are understanding if they don’t walk the path of sustainability now, they will become obsolete in a few years because they won’t be able to compete in the market. Third Edition | Marquis Who ’ s Who Insight 9 What new innovations or technologies do you feel will shape the future of your industry? I think the nature of the work will definitely change. The pandemic has shown us that we can work in different ways and the benefits that come with that. I think there are two major things that will shape the future: one is artificial intelligence and the other is digital technology. I think the nature of jobs will also change — many jobs will become obsolete, but at the same time, there will be many new jobs from new possibilities and technologies, but also from directing our economies toward their path to net-zero. What excites you the most about your industry? The hope I have that I am making a difference in people’s lives by empowering them. Sustainability is our future. We need transformative change in our lifestyles and how we produce and consume. I believe I possess knowledge and experience to contribute to this transformation.