Insight 5th Ed._Deborah Ann Turner

Fifth Edition Marquis Who’s Who INSIGHT 13 NIRMALYA THAKUR, PHD Lecturer Emory University Atlanta, GA How have you navigated disruptions in your industry to remain a top professional? Since I first started researching in the field of human-computer interaction, my goal has always been the same — to create a positive impact on society so that the future of humanity can have a better world in which to live, work and grow. Every day I enter the lab is an opportunity to make a difference. What are two key behaviors/personality traits that allow you to be effective in your role? No matter how small the invention, effort or discovery, I believe that anything my research contributes to can make a positive change in this world. I am also always focused, even in times of failure. Jay Shetty, a motivational speaker, once said that “the difference between a winner and a loser is that the winner tried one more time.” I tell myself that when I am stuck on the same problems, I don’t give up. What excites you the most about your industry? We’re currently seeing different disciplines of computer science making an impact on society. For instance, if we talk about artificial intelligence, it is impacting the way people stay at home and work in different industries; AI is playing a role in many workplaces. When we talk about artificial intelligence, we mean smart gadgets, robots or machines; people are going to be interacting with them. Human interaction with technology has the potential to change the world by driving us toward an advanced state of living. SARANTIS M. SYMEONOGLOU, PHD Professor Emeritus Washington University in Saint Louis Saint Louis, MO What is the most important issue/challenge you are dealing with in your industry? Archaeology in the U.S. has been facing lack of interest from the federal government to support fieldwork here and abroad. The gap is sometimes filled from the private sector, though only for ongoing projects. In Europe, governments have recognized the need and made archaeology a part of the regular support of archaeology since the 19th century. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved? Archaeology as a discipline was established since the excavations of Pompeii in 1748. Many civilizations that had been forgotten were discovered through excavations and the decipherment of their languages, such as the Sumerian, the Minoan and many others. Egypt was known thanks to the surviving monuments, but we had no idea about the timing and were unable to read the language. In a relatively short time, archaeologists have been able to restore an amazing amount of the past. What excites you the most about your industry? There is still much to be discovered. Yours truly had a chance to witness the partial discovery of the palace of Oedipus in ancient Thebes in 1964-1966. More recently, I had a chance to work on the historic island of Ithaca in Greece where another palace has remained a mystery, as did the city around it. I am in a position to demonstrate that the story of Odysseus, also known as Ulysses, is not mythology. Ithaca promises to surprise everyone.