Insight 5th Ed_Daniel Jolly, DDS

To remain aware of developments in his industry, Dr. Jolly is a fellow of the American College of Dentistry, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, the American Association of Hospital Dentists and the Academy of General Dentistry, among many others. In accounting for his standout success, he credits his dedicated work ethic, perseverance and genuine respect for his patients. In his leisure time, Dr. Jolly enjoys photography, equestrian sports, swimming and scuba diving. How have you navigated disruptions in your industry to remain a top professional? Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the flow of work slowed down a little bit, so there was a buffer in our activity level. When we did see people, though, from my forensic standpoint, things didn’t change that much. My consulting work was slower because the patient volume was obviously down on the provider end, so that was a financial hit. I have avoided COVID-19, thankfully, because I received all of the vaccinations and took protective precautions, which allowed me to keep on going when other people couldn’t. What are two key behaviors/personality traits that allow you to be effective in your role? I always try to be innovative while making all the right plans. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved? The industry, in general, has been far more digital in terms of record keeping. Telemedicine doesn’t really affect dentistry since we can’t really do telemedicine procedures, so it’s not really a factor for us. It’s not like we are in the same situation as internal medicine doctors, so we have continued to see patients, even if things slowed down due to the pandemic. Since I am primarily in forensics, though, that was no big deal. What excites you the most about your industry? With dentistry in general, it’s rewarding to be able to provide better, higher quality services as technology improves, especially with things like dental implants. From the forensic standpoint, it’s a matter of being able to address the needs of dental identification, and the legal situation has not really changed, thankfully. We were able to weather the pandemic back in 2020, and when it started to pick back up in 2021. Fifth Edition Marquis Who’s Who INSIGHT 15 INSIGHT MARQUIS WHO′S WHO FIFTH EDITION