Insight 5th Ed_Susan O. Schall, Phd

Manufacturing integrates people, materials, processes and data to make tangible products that bring value to the world. SUSAN O. SCHALL, PHD Founder, Lead Consultant SOS Consulting LLC Front Royal, VA With more than two decades of expertise in engineering and consulting to her credit, Dr. Susan O. Schall currently excels as the founder and lead consultant of SOS Consulting LLC. Founding her first consulting practice in 1999, titled Susan O. Schall Process Improvement Consulting, she maintained her role as president until 2002. Afterward, she began serving as the methodology director of R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company Inc., departing the firm in 2004. She later returned to her consulting work in 2004, when she commenced SOS Consulting. Adjacent to her primary ventures, Dr. Schall is an authorized partner of John Wiley & Sons Inc. Furthermore, she has been a lead consultant for ABET, Inc. since 2014, with whom she has also served on the Engineering Accreditation Commission and board of directors. In her civic-minded endeavors, she is a past member of the Industrial and Professional Advisory Council in the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at her alma mater, The Pennsylvania State University. From an early age, Dr. Schall naturally gravitated to mathematics and the sciences, which led her to a career in the engineering profession. She attended the State University of New York at Fredonia, where she received a Bachelor of Science in mathematics in 1981. Subsequently, she matriculated at The Pennsylvania State University and achieved a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering in 1982, a Master of Science in industrial engineering in 1986 and a PhD in industrial engineering in 1988. In addition to her academic credentials, Dr. Schall is recognized as an ASQ Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence. To commemorate her achievements, Dr. Schall was honored with Engineering Excellence Bronze and Silver Awards from DuPont Engineering and the Medallion Award from the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. Likewise, the latter organization recognized her as a fellow in 2020. She has also earned numerous alumni awards from The Pennsylvania State University. Over the course of her career, Dr. Schall has contributed articles to professional journals, including the work, “Is Your Organization Healthy Enough for Six Sigma?” in 2015 and “The Essential Leader” in 2022.