Insight 6th Ed_Spring

Sixth Edition Marquis Who’s Who INSIGHT 15 INSIGHT MARQUIS WHO′S WHO SIXTH EDITION SPRING 2024 the extra work and making sure people were 100% satisfied really helped carry me through the pandemic. What are two key behaviors/personality traits that allow you to be effective in your role? Positivity is probably paramount — I try to provide great energy for my clients. I think that helps elevate them through their buying process. I am a firm believer that people feed off each other’s energy, and when they find that positive energy, they want to be around it. What is the most important issue/challenge you are dealing with in your industry? In our industry, it always comes down to inventory. With the chip crisis and other things that are going on, it has challenged the industry as a whole to have enough inventory to meet demand. How do you feel your industry has changed/evolved? It’s changed significantly, mostly because of technology. Products have to be more competitively priced now; as a consumer, you can pull up every car like the one you’re looking for in three states, which then forces the industry to become much more competitive. I also think the market is fairer for the consumers. The biggest change is how the average consumer used to stop in at four to five dealerships before they made their choice. Now, they are averaging one-and-a-half dealerships because they have so much access to information before they even get to a location. What innovations or technologies do you feel will shape the future of your industry? I think we will see more enhancements in technology and more ease of shopping. Think about the companies where you do it all online — people are becoming more comfortable with that process. What excites you the most about your industry? I think about the possibilities, because, unlike many other industries, you can actually put more into automotive sales and get more out of it, so you’re not limited. If you want to work late, you can work late. If you want to come in early, you can come in early. The more you know about your product, the more you can help people.